Teachers are the noblest to be worshiped by the divine. For that, the “Adaraneeya Disapamok” program.
School children between the ages of 12 and 18 with specialize of aesthetic talents, who are drawing, playing some sports and singing and dancing will be invited to the program.
“Helawood” Program provides an opportunity for Sri Lankan filmmakers to make their films public, from the premiere, as well as the various milestones and achievements they have made, as well as a cinematic critique of its quality.
Poetry is a poem that nurtures the life of the people of different peoples and protects their values.
The uniqueness of poetry is that it is able to express emotions more powerfully than any other art form, unconditionally interacting with people’s emotions.
Access of SMEs to finance is a significant barrier to market entry should be further enhanced. Compared to other Asian economies at a similar income level, more Sri Lankan SMEs consider themselves financially constrained. So banking partner for this program will address financial avenues for SMEs, such as credit guarantee facilities, venture capital funds, trade finance, and digital financial platforms remain underdeveloped.
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